
Ageing and Movement Research Group (AMRG) logo - a brain image surrounded by two semi-circular arrows

Our Mission

We are an innovative, diverse, multidisciplinary research group committed to empowering older people to live better lives by:

  1. Delivering a translational portfolio of research in ageing, with a focus on Parkinson’s and neurodegenerative diseases.
  2. Applying robust mixed methodology in clinical trials, epidemiological studies, and education research.
  3. Adopting a patient-centred approach and actively engaging with the community.

Our Vision

We aspire to be a world-leading centre for ageing, that pioneers innovative science through attracting and investing in the best researchers around the world.

Our Values

  1. INCLUSIVITY – We foster an accessible and inclusive environment that welcomes all, by partnering with participants and caregivers to include under-represented groups and explore under-researched areas.
  2. EXCELLENCE – We promote academic excellence with an ambitious, creative, and adaptable approach.
  3. DIVERSITY – Our approachable team brings a range of backgrounds, perspectives, and expertise, who value each-others’ input and nurture individual and group development.
  4. COLLABORATION – We are a dynamic multidisciplinary team who engage with participants to co-design research, and conduct outreach with the public and third-sector organisations globally.


“Ageing is the extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.”

 David Bowie